The members of the Select Board, the Budget-Finance Committee and the RSU #14 Board of Directors are all elected to 3 year staggered terms. The process to run for these positions can be found HERE.
The members of all other Town Committees are appointed by the Select Board upon recommendation of the committee. Volunteer applications are submitted to the committee/board indicated on the application or directly to the Select Board if the committee is being newly formed.
The current committees are:
- Beautification Committee - 1 year terms
- Assist Master Gardeners in the upkeep of the various gardens along the Rt 302 corridor - "Walk 'n' Weed" during the growing season
- Board of Assessment Review - 3 year terms
- Hears appeals of property assessed values.
- This board is mostly active directly after the Town goes through a revaluation.
- When active meets once per month, more often if necessary.
- Comprehensive Plan Committee - 1 year terms
- Review and update the 2004 Comprehensive Plan.
- Will probably meet at least monthly once formed until a new Comprehensive Plan is accepted by the Town Meeting.
- Conservation Commission - 1 year terms
- Sustain Raymond's natural resources for enjoyment now and for future generations
- Meets the last Tuesday of each month, September through May, in the Broadcast Studio at 7:00pm
- Planning Board - 3 year terms
- Reviews applications and proposals for major development, including site plans and subdivisions, to ensure compliance with the zoning ordiance and subdivision regulations.
- Severs a key role in implementing and ensuring these projects are consistend with the Comprehensive Plan.
- Meeting the 2nd Wednesday of each month (as needed) in the Broadcast Studio at 7:00pm.
- Recycling Committee - 1 year terms
- Review the past, present and future of recycling in Raymond.
- Will probably meet at least monthly once formed until a recommendation is presented to the Select Board.
- Zoning Board of Appeals - 3 year terms
- Hears appeals of decisions of the Codes Enforcement Officer pertaining to variances, conditional use, setback reductions and administrative.
- The Appeals Board meets, as needed, the last Tuesday of the month in the Broadcast Studio at 7:00pm.
- Site visits are conducted on the Saturday of the week prior to the meeting.
To volunteer please fill out the Volunteer Form - pdf or Word and return it to the Town Clerk at the Town Office or via email at or via mail to 401 Webbs Mills Rd, Raymond ME 04071.