Flag and Flower Donations & Pavers
A great way to honor a friend or relative that has passed on is to make a donation for a flag. We can always use donations to repair and replace the flags, which take a beating as they fly 24/7 - the entire year. We use three: American, State and POW-MIA Missing in Action flags.
An additional idea is to donate for the flowers. Each year the Hawthorne Garden Club ladies replace the flowers at the monument site, and they maintain them once a week. Donations for their important work would be greatly appreciated.
For paver requests, fill out the Paver Order Form. For checks for flowers and/or flags, please mention the person you are honoring.
Checks should be made out to 'Raymond Veterans’ Memorial Fund'. Send the form and check to the town office at 401 Webbs Mills Road, Raymond, ME 04071.
Contact DAbvid David McIntire at 207-655-2378 and I will pick up you request.
Many thanks. Remember Freedom Isn’t Free.
David McIntire
Major, US Army Retired