Details are in the Business License Ordinance.
There are a number of questions you need to answer to determine the various approvals you will need to start your business:
- Will your business have a name? Will it be incorporated? Click HERE for State of Maine business information.
- Do you need State Licensing? Click HERE for help.
- Will your business have a sign? Go HERE for a Sign Permit application.
- Will you need to make any changes to the commercial space that require building, electrical or plumbing changes? Go HERE for Building and Plumbing Permit applications. Electrical changes for commercial endeavors require the Master Electrician of your project to get a State of Maine permit.
Fill out the New Business License Application and submit to the Town Clerk along with:
- $25 application fee
- Dimensioned plans of the entire commercial property, noting the specifics of your propsed business, including proposed inside use, outside use and parking.
- Copy of your right, title, and interest for the proposed application (deed, lease, etc.).
You will be contacted by the Code Enforcement Officer, Fire Inspector, or Town Clerk if they have further questions. Once all of the requirements are met the Town Clerk will schedule a Public Hearing at the next Select Board Meeting. After the Public Hearing the Select Board will consider approval.