If you have an item that is related to the historical record of either Raymond or Casco, the Society would love to have it on display. We currently offer a couple of different options for those who wish to share their items with us. You can either "gift" the item to us, which would mean that it is on permanent display at the Museum, or you can "loan" the item to the Historical Society, which means that we will only have possession of the item for a limited amount of time.
The society is also seeking donations and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your donation may be tax deductible, as allowed by law. You may make checks payable to the "Raymond-Casco Historical Society" and send them to:
Raymond-Casco Historical Society
P.O. Box 1055
Raymond, ME 04071
You may also support us by becoming a MEMBER or by purchasing items from our STORE.
Questions? E-mail President Pam Grant at pamelawgrant@msn.com or phone (207) 655-2438.
P.O. BOX 1055