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401 Webbs Mills Road, Raymond, Maine 04071 - Tel: 207-655-4742 Fax: 207-655-3024

How To Create A Staff Calendar Entry

  1. To create a Staff Calendar event select Create Content > Calendar Event.
  2. Fill in a short title for the event.
  3. Fill in the from and to dates/times.
  4. If it is a recurring event then fill in the Repeat section.
  5. In the Type field select Staff.
  6. In the Event Group field select the filter category. This is used if a user wants to further restrict the events that they see on the calendar.

Need Help Caring for Your Private Road?


Need Help fixing your private gravel road?


Most private gravel roads need repair every spring.   Owners/users need to bring in loads of gravel to replace what washed away over the winter and during spring rains.  Where does that gravel go?  Some folks think it stays in the ditches but it washes out of those as well, straight to the nearest brook, stream and lake. 

